In the world governed by technology, we at AMPITI, put in our sincere efforts to keep pace with the rising demands of technology. AMPITI stands for excellence, perfection and discipline. Our major focus and our concern are our students and institution strives to impart the best knowledge for promoting & pursuing multidisciplinary skilled manpower as per guidelines of Skill India Mission.
A vision without action is but a dream; action without vision is waste of time; but vision with action changes our lives. So we have a vision to develop a knowledge based society with clarity of thought & the edge of excellence in the endowment of teaching and learning process. Our focus is on imparting holistic Education, develop a community of scholars with talent and expertise that will participate in national development and culture to students through intellectual inputs and transformational activity, centered experimental self discovering process to embolden them to assume responsibility, to take charge and act rightly and effectively.
I wish that our students will Come forward to learn, go forth to serve and excel into the world with great strength, not only to do job but to remain beautiful human beings.